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Hemlock Hollow--Custom Fine Furniture

Egyptian Style I
A segmented vessel in an Egyptian-style urn. The vessel is made from Hawaiian Koa, Mango, and Wenge. The painting circles the entire vessel and is done by Aurora King.
16" tall x 10" in diameter.


Segmented Vessel

A segmented Vessel in a Tuscan style made from Hawaiian Koa, Holly, and Ebony. Painting is by Aurora King.
10" tall x 10" in diameter. 


A segmented vessel patterned after an ancient Greek oil/wine vessel. The two images shown are the opposite sides of the same vessel. The vessel includes alternating bands of mango and wenge near the bottom and inlayed dots near the top. It is 17" high x 12" in diameter. Hawaiian koa, Bloodwood and holly. The painting is done by the very talented George Aldrete. 


A long neck segmented vessel in Hawaiian Koa, bloodwood, maple, holly, and wenge. The vessel incorporates several narrow bands which in themselves are small, delicate segmented rings. It also includes a checkerboard ring with over 900 pieces of individual strips of bloodwood and maple. The vessel has a striped band of holly and wenge and a rim of bloodwood. 17" tall x 11" diameter.


A tall umbrella stand segmented vessel in Hawaain koa, mango and bloodwood. The vessel is 27" tall x 12" diameter.